
LEAVES of Morya s garden

has entrusted its success unto you.

The strength needed to follow Me is bestowed upon you.

Arrows, shields, swords have you received,

and with My Helmet shall I protect your head.

Fight in My Name, may love dwell with you.

The promise will be fulfilled in due time.

Keep the flame alight—I teach.

96. Hearken to the Celestial Song, and when on the summits

of the mountains pine not for the flowers in the


I rejoice in your striving for creation.

Miracles are created in life amidst action and in tensed


Dreams are realized not in fairy tales

but through happy communion

with the Ways of the Blessed Ones.

The Teacher is near you at every moment

of your creative labor.

Learn—and teach.

97. Pure deeds perform miracles.

Learn to love My Work.

The spiritual dynamo must act in harmony, then My

Currents flow without interruption.

Changes of mood do not affect the currents,

but fluctuations of the aura cause interrupting


Constancy of the aura assures harmony.

The flame of the candle spreads light to all,

but smothered by a drop of anger,

it sputters and must be set aright.

Let your flame be steady and bright—M. is ever with you.

98. Knowledge will help you to avoid danger.

Knowledge of My Manifestations will multiply your


Fearless is the Apostle!

99. You will realize the given happiness in due time.

The mist enfolds the foot of the mountain, but the

summit is ever bathed in the sun's glory.

Under its rays the mist clears, and you behold

My Love.

100. The Teacher rejoices with you in the glory of

creation in life when it tends toward good.

Before thirty, the necessary centers do not unfold.

Fifteen more years must pass before the effects of the flame

are visible.

But the sparks of light will be visible before that time.

101. Careful judgment will foster My Cause.

Display understanding and tolerance toward other


The events of life will convince where words are


Gather a few of the elect and distance yourselves from

the abuse of those who are unprepared.

102. When satisfied with worldly life, the spirit cannot enter

the Promised Temple.

True happiness knocks at the heart's portals, but the

Holy Words are not given entrance.

Happiness rejected is happiness departed.

I send you Bliss.

103. Accept the accidental as preordained.

All is foreseen by Us.

Every seemingly random event is a page of the future.

Work in valor, and in peace.

104. The Teacher wishes to reveal to you how innumerable

are the assaults upon the walls of the White Lodge.

The time for understanding Cosmos will come.

A miracle performed is like a lamp when lit.

Afterwards none will remember the darkness

of the chamber.

God knows all worlds.

Love and create, and full joy will come.

105. M. is accustomed to battle, and My children must

be wise warriors.

The unity of nations will come through struggle.

I rejoice in beholding a valorous spirit.

Fight wisely now, for Our enemies are also

your enemies.

I send you My Love and Strength.

106. Show valor in battle.

Short is the teaching about humanity, but comprehending it

is a lengthy task.

The curtain is swept aside, and the unknown

is made known.

The mind comprehends not the ways of the heart, but

the heart knows.

I speak not of the things of today.

The spirit is filled with foreboding of coming events—

the currents vibrate.

And the happenings of the Universe are interbound

with men's lives, and the resounding of Its strings

is intricate.

The Creator's Manifestations should not put to flight the

warriors but should wing them on.

Forge your arrows, I send you love.

107. My children, many will come to you.

They will write to you and appear before you.

They will demean you and they