Lewis Stead

The Ravenbook

Our response to societal problems such

as poverty (thats poverty folks, not laziness) is in many ways our

modern reaction to this ancient virtue.

In terms of our modern community as a whole, I see hospitality in

terms of frontier barn raisings where a whole community would come

together and pool their resources. This doesnt mean we have to

forget differences, but we must put them aside for those who are of

our Folk, and work for our common good.


Modern Asatruar must be industrious in their actions. We need to work

hard if we are going to achieve our goals. There is so much for us to

do. Weve set ourselves the task of restoring Asatru to its former

place as a mainstream faith and by doing so reinvigorating our society

and culture. We cant do this by sitting on our virtues, we need to

make them an active part of our behavior. Industry also refers to

simple hard work in our daily vocations, done with care and pride.

Heres a few concrete examples. If you are reading this and dont

have a kindred, why not? Stop reading now. Go and place ads in the

appropriate local stores, get your name on the Ring of Troth, Wyrd

Network, or Asatru Alliance networking lists, and with other Pagan

groups. Put on a workshop. Ok, now youre back to reading and you

dont agree with what Im saying here? Well, be industrious! Write

your own articles and arguments. Write a letter to the editor and

suggest this material be banned--better that than passivity. Get the

blood moving and go out and do it. Thats how it gets done. The Gods

do not favor the lazy.

The same holds true for our non-religious lives. As Asatruar we

should offer a good example as industrious people who add to whatever

were involved in rather than take from it. We should be the ones the

business we work in cant do without and the ones who always seem to

be able to get things done. When people think of Asatru, they should

think of people who are competent and who offer something to the


This doesnt just apply to vocational work, but to the entire way we

live our lives. It is just as much a mentality. The Vikings were

vital people. They lived each day to its fullest and didnt wring

their hands in doubt or hesitation. We should put the same attitude

forward in all that we do whether it is our usual vocation, devotion

to the Gods, or leisure time.

Self Reliance

Industry brings us directly to the virtue of Self-Reliance, which is

important both in practical and traditional terms. Going back to the

general notion of this article, we are dealing with a form of morality

that is largely self-imposed and thus requires self-reliance. We rely

on ourselves to administer our own morality.

Traditionally, our folkways have always honored the ability of a man

or woman to make their own way in the world and not to lean on others

for their physical needs. This is one of the ways in which several

virtues reinforce and support each other. Hospitality cannot function

if people are not responsible enough to exercise discipline and take

care of themselves. Its for those that strive and fail or need

assistance that hospitality is intended, not for the idle who simply

wont take care of themselves.

In terms of our relationships with the Gods, self-reliance is also

very important. If we wish the Gods to offer us their blessings and

gifts, we must make ourselves worthy of them--and the Gods are most

pleased with someone who stands on their own two feet. This is one of

the reasons for the Asatru rule that we do not kneel to the Gods

during our ceremonies. By standing we acknowledge our relationship as

striving and fulfilled people looking for comradeship and a

relationship, rather than acting as scraelings looking for a handout

from on high. It takes very little for a God to attract a follower,

if worship simply means getting on the gravy train. We, as Asatruar,

are people who can make our own way in the world, but who choose to

seek a relationship with the Gods.

In mundane terms being self-reliant is a simple way to allow ourselves

the ability to live as we wish to. In simple economic terms, if one

has enough money in the bank one doesnt need to worry as much about

being fired due to religious discrimination. We can look a bigot in
