Ray of my soul

Тэги: aura english first meditation paul russian skills

сегодня во время медитации понял, что я теряю светлый божественный лучик, весь мой разум перекрыт серой дымцой, что меня очень настараживает, хотя...

I had meditation today, and being the process i understud that I'm loosing my soul's ray, which I had  in my childhood.

I have to think clear

I have to love everybody.

Being meditation today I had meet my friend Paul on the small green field and we had nice conversation I had feel blue-clear energy and fresh air.

But than when I tryed to get a little bit space energy, but it vas hard, destroyed, aura of my soul.

But I had cach a little bit energy, and now I feel much better. I have to develope my skills im magic.

                                                                                                      See you mama

Автор: Schermerhorn


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